RIP PlayStation3 - Kanjoos tech


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Sunday 19 March 2017

RIP PlayStation3

RIP Play Station3:Production & Shipment stopped

The PlayStation 3, which was launched back in November 2006 might soon be laid to rest. The iconic console has been plugging on for more than ten years now and had already outlived Sony's own life-cycle estimates.

There is only one version of the PlayStation 3 on sale in Japan - the charcoal black 500GB version which was introduced in 2014 and Sony is pulling the plug on its production as well as shipments.

Sony has posted on the PlayStation 3's official Japanese product page that shipments are scheduled to conclude soon. Additionally, a game shop in Kurume Fukuoka posted a tweet saying that it received a notification from Sony that the console's production will end this month. Once the unsold stock dries up, shipments will stop and the PS3 will become a footnote in history.

While it is not confirmed whether the company will stop production globally, it is bound to happen soon.

This is not the first indication of the console's impending death. Sony has ceased production of first party titles for the PS3, with the last game releasing in October 2016.

The PlayStation 3 was a console far ahead of its time and came with several groundbreaking features (for the time) such as Blu Ray support, in built HDD/Wi-Fi and state of the art graphics.

This is definitely sad news for existing PlayStation 3 owners as the company will surely cut support for the console eventually and new games launches will soon become a rare occurrence.

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Kanjoos Tech

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